The Provincial Grand Lodge of Dunbartonshire
The annual Provincial Grand Lodge Games Competition

The annual Provincial Grand Lodge Games Competition took place at lodge Ellangowan No 716 on Saturday 23rd of March. A total of 56 brethren from 10 Lodges split into teams of four competed on the day.



The Substitute Provincial Grand Master Brother John McPhail Wright welcomed the brethren and wished them well, thereafter Brother David Muir, RWM of lodge 170 explained the format and allocated the teams. The usual games of dominoes, darts, carpet bowls and pool were eagerly contested and at the conclusion the result was a tie between Team 384 and Team 1304 resulting in a carpet bowel's play off. Two members from each team took to the Final which was eventually won 2 ends to 1 in a very closely contested battle, with plenty of encouragement from the side-lines. PGM Bro. David S Irving offered his condolences to Team 1304 and congratulated Team 384 for their victory.  He also thanked Bro. David Muir for all his hard work together with Lodge Ellangowan for making the day a huge success. All present were treated to a wonderful spread of Pizza and Pakora rounding off an exceptional day of profit and much pleasure.


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