The Provincial Grand Lodge of Dunbartonshire
Message sent on behalf of the PGM Brother James Forrest

I am sure that the vast majority of you will have seen the message issued by our Grand Master Mason on Friday,15th January 2021 following the meeting involving the Heads of Orders. The decision reached by them to continue the curtailment on all masonic activity until at least June comes as no surprise regretful though it may be. In consequence of this I have to sadly and regrettably announce that The Masters Dinner, Provincial Ladies Night, Divine Service, Games, Golf and Bowls Competitions will not take place. I am well aware that monies have already been paid regarding the Masters Dinner and Ladies Night and therefore Provincial Grand Secretary and Provincial Grand Treasurer will coordinate an exercise to return said monies.


While I am disappointed to report the above to you I must say that I am particularly upset that the Ladies Night is not going ahead as it gives us the opportunity to express our thanks to the Ladies for their continued support and understanding and also the Divine Service which is in my view one of if not The most important occasion of our Masonic year. However let us look to the future and hopefully we will meet again in harmony and good health. Yours Faithfully and Fraternally James Forrest.


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