The Provincial Grand Lodge of Dunbartonshire
Honorary_Grand_Rank Brother Alexander ( Sandy) Ballantyn

A Large and Distinguished deputation from the Provincial Grand Lodge of Dunbartonshire headed by PGM Brother Irving entered the Cumbernauld St Andrews Lodge No 199. Brother Sandy Ballantyne PM PPSGW was presented to the brethren and Brother Irving gave a resume of Brother Ballantyne's extensive Masonic career.



Thereafter Brother Ballantyne was presented with the jewel and diploma relative to Honorary Grand Junior Deacon, this rank having been conferred upon him by the Grand Master Mason at the Grand Lodge Communication November 2023.  Brother Ballantyne then made suitable reply which was greeted with loud applause from the brethren. Thereafter a fine Fellowcraft Degree conferred by Lodge Barrhill No. 1444 was witnessed by all present. An evening song and stories followed at a wonderful Harmony.



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