The Provincial Grand Lodge of Dunbartonshire
The Annual Communication and Installation of Elected Office Bearers

On Saturday,27th January 2018 the Annual Communication and Installation of Elected Office Bearers took place within the Masonic Temple, Church Street, Dumbarton.

The Provincial Grand Master Bro James Forrest upon opening the meeting expressed his delight at the large number of brethren in attendance and thereafter Provincial Grand Director of Ceremonies Bro James W Clarkson introduced a large deputation from sister provinces headed by the Provincial Grand Master of Dumfriesshire Bro Robert A.G. Hughes.


Pleasantries having been exchanged and regular business conducted the elected office bearers were then installed into office by Provincial Grand Master Bro Forrest. The next item of business was to present Bro James McColl, Past Master Lodge Leven St John No 170  with a Past Provincial Senior Grand Warden Jewel. Bro McColl was congratulated on his excellent record of service to Provincial Grand Lodge to which he made suitable reply. After Provincial Grand Master Bro Hughes had addressed Provincial Grand Lodge the meeting was closed and all brethren adjourned to the function suite where an excellent meal was enjoyed by all followed by the relevant toasts and replies.


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