50th Anniversary and Rededication Ceremony of The Lodge Strathclyde No 1626

On Saturday, 6th August 2016 a large number of brethren assembled within the Masonic Temple, Second Avenue, Clydebank to witness the 50th Anniversary Rededication Ceremony of The Lodge Strathclyde No 1626.

The lodge was opened by the Right Worshipful Master Bro Brian Marshall and thereafter a large deputation from the Provincial Grand Lodge of Dunbartonshire headed by the Provincial Grand Master Bro John Reid McCormack was admitted. The ceremony was then carried out by the Provincial Grand Master and Provincial Grand Chaplain Bro. Rev. John Kerr Clark ably assisted by Provincial Grand Director of Ceremonies Bro James W Clarkson.

The ceremony having been completed to the entire satisfaction of the brethren present an excellent meal followed by first class toasts and replies was enjoyed by all. A historic day for both lodge and province which will be remembered for a very long time.



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