The Provincial Grand Lodge of Dunbartonshire
New Intrants Seminar 2016

On Tuesday 4th October 2016, a New Intrants Seminar was held within the function suite of Dumbarton Kilwinning Lodge No 18.

The Provincial Grand Master, Bro. John Reid McCormack welcomed some 75 Brethren to the gathering which had been organised by the Provincial Grand Master to provide a greater insight into the Craft, and to discuss the subject of attracting new Brethren and their subsequent retention.


Presentations were given by all Commissioned Office-bearers, PG Almoner and Hon. Depute Provincial Grand Master. An Address was also given by Bro Jordan Currie, Master of Lodge Kyle Kildrum No 1602, a young man who has attained the Chair of his Lodge in a short space of time. Bro. Currie gave his views and ideas on the subject. A question and answer session followed which produced various positive suggestions and personal insights into the future for our Craft in today's world.


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