The Provincial Grand Lodge of Dunbartonshire
Reigning Masters Degree

On Thursday 15th May 2014 a large number of brethren attended Lodge Kyle Kildrum No1602 to witness a “Reigning Masters “ degree which had ben arranged by the RWM Bro William B.D.McGhee.

A deputation of 10 reigning masters headed by Bro James Hope,RWM of Lodge Cadder Argyle No 147 was admitted and introduced to the brethren. Thereafter a deputation from Provincial Grand Lodge headed by the Provincial Grand Master John.R McCormack entered the lodge to be welcomed by RWM Bro McGhee. The Director Of Ceremonies then requested that Bro McGhee come to the level of the lodge and Immediate Past Master Bro Colin Loudon then gave a history of the service given to the lodge by Bro McGhee including the fact that he has served 8 terms as Master .Bro McGhee was then presented with Distinguished Service Membership and congratulated by all concerned. Suitable reply was then made in which Bro McGhee thanked everyone for the award . An excellent first degree was then carried out after which all retired to a convivial evening of harmony and friendship.


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