Honorary Grand Rank Presentation 26th January 2017

On Thursday, 26th January 2017 a regular meeting of Lodge Caledonian St John Royal Arch No 195 was opened by the RWM Bro Maxwell Fulton Gray. Having completed lodge business a deputation from Cumbernauld St Andrews Lodge No 199 was admitted having been invited to confer the E.A. degree. The deputation was headed by the RWM Bro Mel Durban who thanked Bro Gray for the welcome into the lodge

Thereafter a small deputation from the Provincial Grand Lodge of Dunbartonshire headed by PGM Bro John Reid McCormack entered and after the usual pleasantries were exchanged a fine degree was witnessed by all present. The degree having been completed Bro Brian Marshall P.M. was presented to the brethren and Bro McCormack gave a resume of Bro Marshalls extensive masonic career. Thereafter Bro Marshall was presented with the jewel and diploma relative to Honorary Grand Senior Deacon, this rank having been conferred upon him by the Grand Master Mason at the Grand Lodge Communication of 24th November 2016. Bro Marshall then made suitable reply which was greeted with loud applause from the brethren.


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