The Provincial Grand Lodge of Dunbartonshire
Consecration of Cumbernauld St Andrews Lodge No 199 New Regalia

On Wednesday,9th October 2019 a deputation from the Provincial Grand Lodge of Dunbartonshire headed by Provincial Grand Master Bro James Forrest attended Cumbernauld St Andrews Lodge No 199 at the invitation of the Master Bro Francis G Gordon for the purpose of consecration of new regalia.

Having been welcomed into the lodge by Bro Gordon, the ceremony of consecration was carried out by Bro Forrest and Provincial Grand Chaplain Bro James T Gardiner.


Thereafter a 60 year diploma was presented to Bro John Bell by Bro Gordon who outlined the long service given to the lodge by Bro Bell. The brethren then retired to Harmony bringing to an end a most enjoyable evening.


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