The Provincial Grand Lodge of Dunbartonshire
Installation of the elected office bearers

On Saturday,31st January 2015 a large number of brethren attended the premises of Lodge Dumbarton Kilwinning No 18 to witness the annual communication and installation of the elected office bearers.

The Provincial Grand Master Bro John Reid McCormack having opened the lodge, welcomed everyone to the meeting and thereafter a deputation from sister provinces headed by T Wilson Aitken, Provincial Grand Master of the Province of Kilwinning was admitted. Formal pleasantries having been exchanged the elected office bearers were then installed by Provincial Grand Master Substitute David Stewart Irving in a most sincere and competent manner, much to the approval of the assembled brethren.


As has become the usual practice, a dinner was thereafter held in the banqueting suite at which the principal toast to the Province of Dunbartonshire was proposed by Provincial Grand Master Aitken with suitable reply being made by Provincial Grand Master McCormack. Thus ended another marvellous day in the history of the province.


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